Tag: condiments

Cheers for Chimichurri!

Cheers for Chimichurri!

Chimichurri is a condiment most closely associated with South American beef dishes. Essentially, it is a mixture of herbs (parsley and cilantro are most common), garlic, oil, vinegar, and spices, combined in various proportions into a paste and spread over a main protein. I first 

Cooking for the pantry

Cooking for the pantry

Monday morning I was making a wrap sandwich to have for lunch.  Now you have to realize that this is about 5:45 am, because I need to get to work by 7:00 am and I have a half-hour commute, I haven’t showered yet, and I 

Low tech kit part B

Low tech kit part B

I recently shared my new-found love with my mortar and pestle.  Did I tell you how much I like it?  I think I did,   but that’s not the only new addition to my kitchen.  Now I’m not a real big kitchen gadget kind of 

More on condiments

More on condiments

When you are cooking for one or two, condiments are important. When you are cooking in limited portions, there are only so many ways that you can prepare your protein or veggies.  While I’m the first one in the “great ingredients simply prepared line,” I 

A sauce and condiment binge

A sauce and condiment binge

I went on something of a binge last week seeing how many ways I could put together elements that could transform a basic protein plus two veg dinner.  One approach was to roast peppers and tomatoes that could be used in many different ways and 

Quick sauces (or are they condiments)

Quick sauces (or are they condiments)

In my last post, I mentioned how hard it is to keep foods like cauliflower interesting.  It’s cauliflower (and broccoli, and asparagus, etc.).  They’re healthy, and they’re good, but if you’re cooking for one or two, a head of cauliflower is going to get real